Selected Solo Exhibitions: 
2015  Sightings – Pantocrátor Gallery, Shanghai, China
2014  Re:turn; – Kunsthalle m3, Berlin 
2013  Revolve – Klettgau Galerie, Germany
2012  The Last Days of Gravity – Limerick City Gallery of Art, Ireland
2010  Is Feeling Lucky!  – Galerie hunchentoot, Berlin
2009  Fragments – Irish Arts Center, New York
2008  after JoeBlogs – Limerick Printmakers Gallery, Limerick, Ireland
2007  after JoeBlogs – Galerie hunchentoot, Berlin
2005  Kunstsalon Wilde Gans, Berlin
Selected Group Exhibition Biography: 
Mélange — Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin
Minitura — Kunstraum m3, Atelierhaus Mengerzeile, Berlin
Travels in Hyper Reality — Crane Viasual, Cork, Ireland
30th Anniversary — Atelierhaus Mengerzeile, Berlin
Alptraum — Polarraum, Hamburg
Digital Divide II — Hilbert Raum, Berlin
Open...  — Kunstraum m3, Atelierhaus Mengerzeile, Berlin
Tondo — Kunstquartier Bethanien - Berlin
Connections, works from the Permanent Collection — Limerick City Gallery of Art, Ireland
Alptraum — Torrance Art Museum (TAM), Torrance, CA, United States
Innehalen — Kunstraum m3, Atelierhaus Mengerzeile, Berlin
Photospiel — Karl Oskar Gallery, Berlin
Alptraum – La Estacion arte contemporáneo - leac, Chihuahua, Mexico
Alptraum – Fine Art Complex 1101, Tempe, AZ, United States
New Irish Creatives – Embassy of Ireland, Berlin
Preparing For Darkness, Vol. 2: Breaking God’s Heart – Kühlhaus, Berlin
Berlin Calling – Galerie Parnasse, Aarhus, Denmark
Preparing For Darkness – Kühlhaus, Berlin
Xmas Xhibition – Bernheimer Contemporary, Berlin
This is the Sea – Fanø Kunstmuseum, Fanø, Denmark
Raze/Raise – Kunsthalle m3, Berlin
Transitions Ep.1: Spintered Planes  – DadaPost, Berlin
Immanence  – Pictura Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
On Landscape – Artdocks, Bremen
Frieze – Kunsthalle m3, Berlin
Alptraum 14 – RAE (HQ), space for contemporary art, Berlin
Structures - Lab-A, Cagliari, Italy
Faraway Longings – Embassy of Ireland, Berlin
Alptraum – Visual Voice Gallery, Montreal, Canada
Made in Paint - Sam & Adele Golden Gallery, New Berlin, NY, USA
Through the looking-glass – Pantocrátor Gallery, Shanghai
Landscape – Metropolis, Kraftwerk der Rathenau-Hallen, Berlin
Panorama – Kunsthalle m3, Berlin
Grand Opening – Artdocks, Bremen
Triptych – Kunsthalle m3, Berlin
Art Loop – Pied Carré, Montreal, Canada
BSA Salon – CHB (Collegium Hungaricum Berlin), Berlin
Neither Here Nor There – Galway Arts Centre (Curator with Jane Hughes)
The World Won't Listen –  Galleri Franz Pedersen, Horsens, Denmark
Small World – Galerie im Park, Bremen
Pophits  Artspace Rheinmain, Offenbach, Germany
Neither Here Nor There – Grimmuseum, Berlin (Curator with Jane Hughes)
6 Squared – Kunsthalle m3, Berlin
Point In Time - Aqua Carré, Berlin
Tyiptychon – Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin
Frame – Various Locations, Birmingham, UK (curated by Elly Clarke & Clarke Gallery)
Breaking God’s Heart – Liebkranz Galerie, August Str, Berlin 
Fragile Welten – Denmark (multiple venues) - 1. Kalundborg Kunstforening - 2. Kunstforeningen Det
Ny Kastet - 3. Museum Sønderjylland, Haderslev - 4. Vestjyllands Kunst Pavillion, Videbæk
Life is Beautiful – Galerie Deadfly, Berlin
G11 – G11 Galerie, Funkhaus, Berlin
Künstler Salon Murid Bosh – Kunsthalle M3, Berlin (curated by Karsten Krause und Boris Duhm)
Positions – CIT Wandesford Quay Gallery, Cork, Ireland
Smugkig ART Herning 2012 – MCH Herning, Denmark
Now&After – Moscow Museum of Modern Art (curated by Marina Fomenko)
Getting Territorial – 25Bilder/Sekunde, Mannheim, Germany (curated by Simone Kraft)
Nucleus – Art Twinning – Belltable, Limerick, Ireland & Priory of Locmaria, Quimper, France
The Mobility Project  – Galerie Suvi Lehtinen, Berlin (curated by Elly Clarke & Clarke Gallery)
Pop Hits – Autocenter on location / “Based in Berlin” Monbijoupark, Berlin
wir sind hier bei uns. – Siegfriedstraße 12, Berlin
The Beauty Of Minor Matter – Skalitzer140_temporary, Berlin
Art Karlsruhe 2011 – Karlsruhe, Germany  (with Galerie Hunchentoot) 
Pop Hits – Projektraum Tanzschule, München (curated by Manfred Peckl)
When a Stranger Calls a Friend of a Friend – Project 165, Toronto, Canada
An Éire of the senses – Shanghai Expo, Irish Pavillion, Shanghai, China
genre – Kunstraum t27, Berlin
Die Rückkehr des Abakus – Fly, Görlitzerstr, Berlin
The Grid – MP5³, Milepost 5, Portland, OR, USA (curated by TJ Norris)
Unbegrenzt? – Kunsthalle m3, Mengerzeile, Berlin
Nord Art 2009 – Büdelsdorf, Germany
Tease Art Fair – Cologne (with Galerie Hunchentoot)
Hunchentoot Revisited – Galerie Hunchentoot, Berlin
Wagnis Wirklichkeit – Galerie Epikur Wuppertal
Presence 08 – Limerick City Gallery of Art
5.Berliner Kunstsalon – Berlin (with Galerie hunchentoot)
TAOMAC – Gallery 33, Berlin
Ein Platz – Platz der Vereinten Nationen, Berlin (Curator with Gregor Stephan)
Berliner Pool zur Lange Nacht der Museen – Berlinische Galerie, Berlin
Gedanken zur Revolution – Universal Cube, Leipzig, Germany
4.Berliner Kunstsalon – Berlin – (with Galerie hunchentoot)
HouseSalon 4, M3 Kunsthalle, Berlin
KIC Nord Art 2007 – Büdelsdorf, Germany
Tease Art Fair – Cologne – (with Weissfaktor Galerie)
Television as Art, Art Channel Galerie 13Sévigné, Paris
Open Source Shorts screening, Darklight Digital, Dublin
Cead in China in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing, China
HouseSalon 3, M3 Kunsthalle, Berlin
Alternative Art Fair, Fabrikken for Kunst og Design, Copenhagen, Denmark
boulevART, KunstHerbst Berlin 06, Kurfürstendamm, Berlin
Better than the Real Thing – Four Gallery, Dublin (Curated by Regina Gleeson)
Netfilmmakers at Overgaden – Institute for Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark
Open Source Shorts – The Galway Arts Centre, Ireland. (Curated by Kevin Flanagan)
Heuriges – M3 Kunsthalle, Berlin
Offside Live II – Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin
Berliner KunstSalon II – Berliner Pool – Arena Berlin
6x6 for Ireland 2005 – 411 Gallery, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, China
Stafford Film Festival – Beaconside Media Centre – Staffordshire, UK
SALT – film, performing arts event – 291 Gallery, Hackney Rd, London
Wandering Rocks, Revolving Doors – Public Art project – Bank of Ireland, College Green, Dublin
Trampoline (plattform für neue medienkunst) – Prater, Kastanienallee, Berlin
Trace, Traces, Traced… – BerlinerKunst Projekt, Berlin
6x6 for Ireland 2004 - 411 Gallery, Hangzhou City, China
Electric Rain – Club One, Phoenix Street, Cork, Ireland
Electronic Image – Stoke Film Theatre, Stoke On Trent, UK
Wexford Artist’s Book Exhibition – Wexford Arts Centre, Ireland
Launch Option Berlin – BüroFriedrich, Berlin
Moviemiento – Project at the u-site-fusion-festival – Flugplatz Lärz, Germany
Darklight Film Digital Festival 4 – Thomas Street, Dublin
EV+A 2002 – St. John the Baptist Church, Limerick
Temporary Public Installation (with Edel McWeeney) – University of Limerick, Ireland
Hope and Homes – Dooradoyle Library, Limerick, Ireland
Eject IV (Real Art Project Video Show) – Dolan’s Warehouse, Limerick
Ouch!electro  – Limerick Printmaker’s, Robert St., Limerick
Wexford Artist’s Book Exhibition – Wexford Arts Festival, Ireland
HUNT – Hunt Museum, Limerick
Demanding the Impossible  – Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin
Photography – City Gallery at City Hall, Limerick
Atelier photographique – Galerie de l’ecole des Beaux-Art, Quimper, France
Curatorial projects: 
2013  Neither here nor there – Grimmuseum, Berlin & Galway Arts Centre, Ireland (Co-curated with Jane Hughes)
2009  der PROZESS – hunchentoot goes out 2, Leipzerstr 63, Berlin (Co-curated with Gregor Stephan)
2008  Ein Platz – Platz der Vereinten Nationen, Berlin (Co-curated with Gregor Stephan) 
2004  Trace, Traces, Traced… – BerlinerKunst Projekt, Berlin 
2000   Masters of Arts in Interactive Media, University of Limerick, Ireland
1999   Bachelors Degree in Fine Art (Painting), Limerick School of Art & Design
2018   Shortlisted for New Irish Creatives award, Embassy of Ireland, Berlin
2015   Culture Ireland Visual Arts Grant
2014   Golden Art Foundation Residency Award 2014, New York
2013   Shortlisted for “100 Painters of tomorrow” publication (Thames & Hudson) 
2012   Culture Ireland Visual Arts Grant - EU Presidency 
2011   Culture Ireland Visual Arts Grant
2011   Special Mention - "Now&After11" festival Moscow Museum of Modern Art
2010   Culture Ireland Visual Arts Grant 
2009   Shortlisted for the Egoart Art Prize
2009   Culture Ireland Visual Arts Grant 
2008   Limerick City Council Exhibition Grant
2007   Culture Ireland Visual Arts Grant 
Additional Information: 
2017 - 2021 External examiner for Batchelors Degree in Painting at Limerick School of Art and Design
2012  External examiner for Masters in Fine Art at Limerick School of Art and Design
2012  Visiting lecturer to the Limerick School of Art and Design
2011  Art vs Law -Artist talk – Neukölln Academy of Now, Berlin
2010  Art Clinic #3 - Artist talk – WerkStadt, Berlin
2008  Visiting lecturer to the Limerick School of Art and Design
2004  Invited participant for Joyce in Art, discussion – Royal Hibernian Gallery, Dublin
2004  Visiting lecturer to Institute of Technology Tralee, Ireland
2002  Visiting lecturer to the Limerick School of Art and Design
2000 - 2002 Interactive Media Lecturer – Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick, Ireland
Exhibition Coordinator DAWN ’01 & ‘02 (Digital Arts Week Now) University of Limerick
2000  Multimedia Tutor – Limerick School of Art and Design
2000  Invited guest speaker to MIT Media Lab Europe, Bellevue, Dublin 8, Ireland
1998 - 2001 Member of the artists-run organisation “The Real Art Project” based in Limerick, Ireland
Member of Visual Artists Ireland & IVARO: The Irish Visual Artists Rights Organisation
Brief Bibliography: 
Fanø: Himmel og mest HAV - Annett Bruhn, Fyens Stiftstidende, Denmark, 11/6/17
Alien landscapes - Liao Fangzhou, Global Times, Shanghai, 2/11/15
Irish painter takes a fresh look at UFO sightings with new exhibition - Shanghai Daily, 1/11/15
Galleri Franz Pedersen går internationalt - Chr. Rimestad, Horsens Folkeblad, 31/08/13
Irish art on Berlin’s blank canvas - Derek Scally, The Irish Times, 18/04/13
Turning Photos Into Paintings, By Way of the Web - John Mahoney, American Photo magazine, 29/01/13,
Surveillance Painting - Prosthetic Knowledge, 29/01/13,
The Mobility Project review - Adele Mary Reed, This Is Tomorrow, 7/02/12,
Mobility Project - Mark Sheerin, Culture24 UK, Online, 23/02/12
Positions – The Choices Artists Make about Making Art - Cristín Leach Hughes,  Sunday Times Ireland- Culture, 15/1/12
Painting from Internet - Alex_Pasternack, Motherboard TV, Jan 2011,
Pintor irlandês abraça e subverte a linguagem fotográfi ca - Bruno Natal, O Globo, Brazil 24/12/10
Interview - Emilio Gomariz, Triangulation, 15/12/10
Enda O’Donoghue e a estética digital - Bruno Natal, Oesquema /URBe, Dec 2010
Interview - Kate Sliwa, Sublimotion, 23/12/10
Enda O’Donoghue - Kunstkopf #55, - Constanze Shur, Tip Berlin, Nr.25 2010 p.70
Enda O’Donoghue - Allan Radcliffe, The List (Issue 671) Nov 2010
Interview - Susan Hollan, Occupy Paper, Issue 4, 09/10,
Berlin in a Constant State of Shifting, - Ferial Kasmai, Paper visual art journal, 04/10,
Pixelise Me - Suzanne Trouve Feff, The Gallery Gazetteer, Curator’s Choice-
Wahrheit oder Illusion? - Erik Buchheister/Susanne Bukesfeld, Artprofi l, Issue 8 2008, pp.9-11
Scharfer Blick auf die Realität - Meike Nordmeyer, Westdeutsche Zeitung, 23. December 2008
Ordinary Joe, Tribune Magazine, Sunday Tribune, 7 September 2008, p.8
Postcards from the Digital-Atomic Border - R.T.Jim Eales and Dharani Perera, research paper, IADIS, Portugal, 2007
New Paintings, The Artfile - Hanna Arnold, Exberliner, Berlin, November 2007 p.42
Creativity Support: Insights from the Practices of Digital-Atomic Artists, R. T. Jim Eales and Dharani Perera, research paper, HCI 2007, Lancaster University, UK, 2007
Better than the real thing? - Paul O’Brien, CIRCA, Issue117, Autumn 2006 pp. 94-96
Better than the real thing? - The Visual Artists News Sheet, Visual Artists Ireland, Issue 4, 2006, p. 4
Following the Lead - Billy Leahy, Village Magazine, Dublin, Ireland, Issue 89, 8-14 June 2006 p 55
Hangzhou: 6x6 for Ireland at 411 Gallery - Arvo Bruene, CIRCA, Ireland, Issue 109, Autumn 2004, pp.82-83
Wandering Rocks, Revolving Doors - Susan Saskash, The Visual Artists News Sheet, Sculptors Society of Ireland (SSI), Issue Five 2004
Wandering Rocks, Revolving Doors (James Joyce et l’art public) - P-Y Desaive, Flux News, Liège, Belgium, july 2004 | 3
Kunst ist Lüge, (Spuren: Zu einer Ausstellung im Berliner Kunst-Projekt) - Jürgen Schneider, junge welt, Berlin, Germany 01.04.2004
Made in Paint, The Sam & Adele Golden Foundation, NY, US, 2015
Berliner Künstlerhäuser "20 Jahre Atelierhaus Mengerzeile 1993-2013", Constanze Suhr, Berlin 2013
Breaking God's Heart, text by Uwe Goldenstein, BSA & Liebkranz Galerie Berlin, 2012
Fragile Welten, text by Uwe Goldenstein, BSA, 2012 pp. 24 & 25
der PROZESS, hunchentoot Galerie, Berlin
Nord Art 09, Kinst in der Carlshütte gGmbh, Büdelsdorf, Germany, 2009, p.68
05.Berliner Kunstsalon, Catalogue, Kunstverein Rhein Ruhr e.V. Berlin, Germany, 2008, pp. 110 & 112
PHREAD 01, Photographers Journal,, 2008, pp. 18 - 33
ellipsis…, introduction by Brian Coates, Catalogue, hunchentoot galerie Berlin, 2007
4.Berliner Kunstsalon, Catalogue, Kunstverein Rhein Ruhr e.V. Berlin, Germany, 2007, p 123
Céad in China, Catalogue, 411 Galleries, China, 2007
Nord Art 07, Kinst in der Carlshütte gGmbh, Büdelsdorf, Germany, 2007, p.50
Tease issue #1, Tease Art Fair Catalogue, Kunstverein Rhein Ruhr e.V. Cologne, Germany, 2007, pp. 314, 315, 358 KunstHerbst Berlin 06 Programmheft, Sep 2006, p.10
6x6 for Ireland, Showcase 2005 Catalogue, 411 Galleries, China, 2005, p. 120
EV+A 2002: heroes + holies Catalogue, Edited by Paul M O’Reilly, Gandon Editions, Ireland, 2002


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