delighted to be included in this upcoming exhibition….
Curated by Marcus Sendlinger
Co-curated by Li Alin, Bettina Forget
Vernissage: jeudi, 18 juin, 17h – 19h
June 18th – June 25th
372, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest, #421
Montréal QC H3B 1A2
Visual Voice presents a wandering exhibition Alptraum (nightmare), conceived by the artist Marcus Sendlinger (Berlin).
131 artists from 13 countries exploring nightmares.
Alptraum has been traveling the world since 2010, with one aim only – to build a collection of artists’ visions of a nightmare (Alptraum). In each stopover city, new artists are added to the exhibition, exploring the relationship between the individual, the national and the global collective subconscious. The exhibition has thus far travelled through Washington, London, Berlin, Los Angeles, Cape Town and Manila, among others. There are 131 artists from 13 countries participating in the wandering exhibition, joined by 6 new artists from around Canada for the occasion of the exhibition in Visual Voice
« Like George Orwell’s Room 101, in his predictive tale, 1984, we all have our own version of what constitutes a nightmare, and for this reason, the project has been opened to a large number of artists whose many and varied personal nightmare versions, or visions, act to reflect this hugely variable human state of fears and phobias, pain and panic. » (Marcus Sendlinger) The nightmare motif has a longstanding tradition in visual arts with its intertwining of the fantastical, the horrifying and the elusive. The theme has long fascinated artists – from the hellish landscapes of Hieronymus Bosch, Henry Fuseli’s The Nightmare (1781), Goya’s The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (c. 1798), right through to the 20th Century, when nightmares became one of the central concerns of the surrealist movement.
But are nightmares individual to all? Like dreams, which have become synonymous with individual ambition? Or are nightmares perhaps expressions of the undesirable unconscious – that common denominator of a community? Do they indicate national archetypes? Or do they simply remain in the grips of the global fears of present age? These are the questions at the centre of the Alptraum exhibition, suggesting answers through the various repetitions of the same theme.
Artists joining ALPTRAUM in Montréal:
Li Alin (Canada) | Julia Buntaine (Canada) | Bettina Forget (Canada) | Cécile Martin (Canada) | Alex Ortiz (Canada)
Pio Abad (Philippines) | Sanell Aggenbach (South Africa) | Minor Alexander (Russia) | Sonja Alhäuser (Germany) | Li Alin (Canada) | Pablo Alonso (Spain) | Deniz Alt (Germany) | Nina Ansari (Iran) | Laura Baginski (Germany) | Alexandra Baumgartner (Austria) | Matthias Beckmann (Germany) | Boris Beja (Slovenia) | Viktor Bernik (Slovenia) | Marc Bijl (The Netherlands) | Zander Blom (South Africa) | Armin Boehm (Germany) | Sascha Boldt (Germany) | Jan-Henri Booyens (South Africa) | Wim Botha (South Africa) | Julia Buntaine (Canada) | Lutz Braun (Germany) | Laura Bruce (U.S.A.) | Stuart Cairns (United Kingdom) | Mimmo Catania (Italy) | Il-Jin Atem Choi (Germany) | Nenad Cizl (Slovenia) | Ben Cottrell (United Kingdom) | Eric Decastro (France) | Kedar Dk (India) | Mandakini Devi (India) | Jos Diegel (Germany) | Thomas Draschan (Austria) | Sven Drühl (Germany) | Peter Duka (Germany) | Nils Daniel Ebert (Germany) | C. van Eeden (South Africa) | Patricia Eustaquio (Philippines) | Mina Fina (Slovenia) | Bettina Forget (Canada) | Heiner Franzen (Germany) | Crisologo Furtado (India) | Jonathan Garnham (South Africa) | Andrew Gilbert (United Kingdom) | Liza Grobler (South Africa) | Ian Grose (South Africa ) | Jayant Gupta (India) | Margarete Hahner (Germany) | Hannah Hallermann (Germany) | Florian Heinke (Germany) | Andreas Helfer (Germany) | Trasi Henen (South Africa) | Lori Hersberger (Switzerland) | Gregor Hildebrandt (Germany) | Stefan Hirsig (Germany) | Johannes Hueppi (Germany) | Thaddaeus Hueppi (Germany) | Ichiro Irie (U.S.A.) | Adam Jankowski (Austria) | Birgit Jensen (Germany) |Megha Joshi (India) | Susanne Jung (Germany) | Lisa Junghanss (Germany) | Katharina Kakar (India) | Katrin Kampmann (Germany) | Isabel Kerkermeier (Germany) | Gabriele Konsor (Germany) | Clemens Krauss (Austria) | Xenia Lesniewski (Germany) | Joep van Liefland (The Netherlands) | Simone van de Loo (Germany) | Catherine Lorent (Luxembourg) | Christoph von Löw (Germany) | Lilly Lulay (Germany) | Polona Maher (Slovenia) | Jörg Mandernach (Germany) | Sandra Mann (Germany) | Stefan Mannel (Germany) | Cécile Martin(Canada) | Nomthunzi Mashalaba (South Africa) | Sandra Meisel (Germany) | Kalidas Mhamal (India) | Rebecca Michaelis (Germany) |Midhun Mohan (India) | Mohau Modisakeng (South Africa) | Virginie Mossé (France) | Iris Musolf (Germany) | Elena Muti (Italy) | Viraj Naik (India) | Robyn Nesbitt (South Africa) | Wolfgang Neumann (Germany) | Rainer Neumeier (Germany) | Enda O`Donoghue (Ireland) | Alex Ortiz (Canada) | Manfred Peckl (Austria) | Christian Pilz (Germany) | Arjan Pregl (Slovenia) | Richard Priestley (United Kingdom) | Eva Räder (Germany) | Tanja Rochelmeyer (Germany) | Anke Röhrscheid (Germany) | Römer + Römer (Germany Russia) | Jenny Rosemeyer (Germany) | Dennis Rudolph (Germany) | Jaco van Schalkwyk (South Africa) | Andreas Schlaegel (Germany) | Sebastiaan Schlicher (The Netherlands) | Bettina Scholz (Germany) | Ann Schomburg (Germany) | Marcus Sendlinger (Germany) | Natalija Šeruga (Slovenia) | Claudia Shneider (South Africa) | Heidi Sill (Germany) | Alexander Skorobogatov (Russia) | Katarina Sočan (Slovenia) | Miha Štrukelj (Slovenia) | Linda Stupart (South Africa) | Caro Suerkemper (Germany) | Nina Šulin (Slovenia) | Ernie Luley Superstar (Germany) | Karuna Tank (India) | Alex Tennigkeit (Germany) | Amalia Theodorakopoulos (Greece) | Peter Thol (Germany) | Žiga Tomori (Slovenia) | Tamzyn Varney (South Africa) | Urša Vidic (Slovenia) | Sašo Vrabič (Slovenia) | Maik Wolf (Germany) | Renate Wolff (Germany) | Ronald Wullems (The Netherlands) | Michael Wutz (Germany) | Phillip Zaiser (Germany) | Thomas Zipp (Germany)
Alptraum exhibitions since 2010:
Alptraum, The Transformer, project space. Washington D.C., United States of America, December 11, 2010 – January 15, 2011.
Alptraum, CELL project space, London, United Kingdom, January 28 – February 27, 2011.
Alptraum, Projektraum Deutscher Künstlerbund, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, March 11 – April 15, 2011.
Alptraum, The Company Gallery, Los Angeles, United States of America, May 1, 2011 – May 30, 2011.
Alptraum, blank projects, Kapstadt (Cape Town), Republic of South Africa, August 3, 2011 – August 27, 2011.
Alptraum, Goethe Institute Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa, February 9, 2012 – March 9, 2012.
Alptraum, Green Papaya Art Projects, Metro Manila – Quezon City, Republic of the Philippines, April 4, 2012 – April 24, 2012
Alptraum, The Nightmare Never Ends, X project space, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, October 13, 2012 – October 20, 2012.
Pop Hits & Alptraum, artspace Rhein-Main, City of Offenbach, Federal Republic of Germany, November 8, 2013 – December 31, 2013.
Alptraum, UGM Maribor Art Gallery, museum for modern and contemporary art, Maribor, Republic of Slovenia, May 30 – July 7, 2014.
Alptraum, Goa, Salon de Lirio, Fine Art Association, Velim Salcete-Goa, Republic of India, Jan 4, 2015 – January 30, 2015
Tales from Darkness, Sunaparanta Centre for the Arts, Panjim, Goa, Republic of India (a collaboration of Sunaparanta and the Alptraum wandering exhibition), March 27 – April 30, 2015.
Alptraum, Montreal, Visual Voice Gallery, June 18 – June 25, 2015, Montreal, Canada.